The project is based on the field studies that are done in the investigation together with the information from interviews from the construction sites and the collected information from the research. The focus is concentrated in an investigation about the construction techniques that are used, the building materials and the working conditions on the construction site.
A study has been done of a Swedish model of urban planning with environmental objects (SAMS), made by the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket), and successively applied in a project in South Africa. With the purpose of investigate if it is possible to apply the same model in the Dominican Republic, a review of the current environmental and urban planning in the country has been done.
Through the studies we think that an introduction of planning with environmental objectives and a development towards a sustainable and ecological society is possible in the Dominican Republic. After field studies on the construction sites, it was relevant to discuss the working conditions and the safety for the constructers.
Source: Jönköping University
Authors: Myrberg, Kristina | Knutsson, Caroline